Where we are

The guest house Domus Real Cardello It is less than a minute from the Colosseum and Metro Subway Line B, with which you can reach the Termini train station, where shuttle buses to the terminals have international airports.
By Metro line Linea-B COLOSSEO it is possible to quickly reach several important places including Ottaviano-San Pietro and Cyprus to reach the Vatican and the Sistine Chapel.
Less than 700 meters away, leaving the left the Roman Forum – the most important archaeological area of the city – you get to Piazza Venezia where stand the spectacular white marble Altar of the Vittoriano, one of the symbols of Rome and national unity.

La Residenza (particolare) Dintorni (Colosseo) Dintorni (quartiere Monti)

Also nearby, the Arch of Titus opens the way to the Palatine Hill, the area where the legend took place the founding of Rome by Romulus; now an open air museum dominated by the ruins of the imperial palaces.

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